What does a Social Media Manager do?

A Social Media Manager will look after your social media platforms that could be Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc. Experienced Social Media Managers can also act as your community managers, focus on growing your social presence, content strategy and so much more. With various packages a Social Media Management can also support you with Content creation, Website Management, Facebook ads, Email marketing, Sales strategy, Content editing and general Social Media updates. We really are, super-humans that can elevate your business to the NEXT level in the digital world.

I have an online business idea, but have nothing visual to show just yet, can I still get in touch?

Yes! We’re here to consult you from the very beginning, define your target audience, provide you with all the templates you need to get started and save you time! We advise you to get in touch for our FREE 15 minutes consultation over a video call to better understand your dream and guide you into the next stage that will bring you the best results.

I have a website and social media platforms that are live however it has been stagnant with low engagement for months. Can myself or my in-house the team get in touch for overall social media strategy guidance?

Yes! We speak to social media managers and agencies all around the world to finalise a strategy that works best for you. A digital consultation would be highly recommended for you, over a video call we will do a brand audit, re-define your target audience and social media strategy to not just post for the sake of it, but take your brand to the next level to bring your audience value, education and overall growth. You can also download our FREE Content Calendar that comes out every month and use it for yourself or share with your team!

What is Influencer Marketing? How does it work?

Influencer Marketing is the modern Word Of Mouth. When your online friend / online personality that you respect shares an item or an experience that they recommend you are more likely to trust and value their choice. The right influencers who understand their audience very well have an extremely valuable and trustworthy relationship with their audience that brands wish to present themselves to. When done correctly, Influencer Marketing is an extremely powerful way of being seen by hundreds of people who care about your business.

I run a successful business online already and would like to take the next step and introduce a new product. I am looking for an online course to learn to manage this myself?

We LOVE A LAUNCH. Whether you’re right at the start or already well established you’ll quickly realise that the launching progress at the beginning or introducing a new service, the strategy is very similar. We get the public excited about what’s coming, manage all digital content and release it in a modern-way that feels natural, exciting and powerful. You’d LOVE The New Era of Social Media Management & Influencer Marketing Course.

I have worked with Influencers before but didn’t really get results and not sure if they were a right fit. How do I find the right influencer to work with?

I’m so glad you found us. We have been in the Influencer marketing industry for over 10 years now, finding influencers for beauty, fashion and lifestyle brands like yourself, also Skai being an Influencer herself over at @justskai we’ve very much living inside the influencer world. We brand-match with deep analysis, personal touch,  understanding and find individuals who mirror the target audience you wish to be presented to. Whether it’s for your salon, event space, product or service - we got this.

Our business is kicking-off! I used to do this alone and need to hand over to experts. Do you do social media management for Instagram and TikTok only?

You’re in the right place! We can handle many social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook. Once you share your interest we will create a Bespoke package for you that will support your business goals.