3 Ways To Higher Story Views

We get it, sometimes your story views are great, then they suddenly take a hit with no rhyme or reason behind it. We’ve got some tips that will help you get back on track with consistent higher story views!

  1. LOWER the number of stories you’re posting. Stick to 1-3 and focus on delivering quality over quantity. If you have more content to share, amazing, but spread it out over the week for a higher chance of them being seen.

  2. GHOST for 24 hours! A proven tactic is to disappear and not post on your profile & stories and come back with 1 strong story. Watch your views triple!

  3. USE Instagram collage, polls, question box and links. Instagram favours stories that are using its app’s tools! Find ways to add fun engagement tools to your planned stories.

Try all of these this week and let us know how you get on!

Do you need more help with getting a better reach? Book a free 15 minute call with us!

Lots of love,

Skai & the girls x



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