The Power Of Instagram Carousels✨

  1. The 'Photo Dump' Trend ~ the fact is they are now shown to your audience TWICE! Hop on the latest trends used by celebs & influencers e.g. 'photo dump' and increase your engagement!

  2. The 2nd Image ~ you can mix and match photos, videos, gifs, memes (whatever you wish) in a carousel post, increasing entertainment & interactivity for your audience.

  3. Engagement Rate ~ research shows carousels are the most engaged content posts, with a high engagement rate of 5% compared to normal feed posts at 1.65%. Include carousel posts in your social media content strategy NOW✨

  4. Pro-Tip: assure your 2nd image/video is just as eye-catching as your first, because the second time round that’s what your audience will see!

Our Social Media Content Calendar is out NOW to accompany your strongest social media strategy yet!

Need more help? Book a Free 15 mins call with us! ✨

Lots of love,

Skai & team x



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