Latest Instagram Updates

I’ve seen that Instagram has made some announcements recently, so I thought let me put them all together in one place for us. 

Here are some do’s and don’ts to make sure Instagram pushes your content out there:

1. Don’t edit in CapCut or external app

Instagram wants you to use their editing app and apparently won’t be pushing your videos out if you use other apps. (p.s Instagram pls upgrade the inside-app editing)

2. Don’t upload content with a TikTok watermark

Instagram doesn’t like competition! Make sure you remove the watermark prior to loading to IG.


It used to be 3-5 times a week, now it’s been confirmed that Instagram favours your account if you post every day. (Praying for all of us🙏)

4. Don’t use square/landscape content

9x16 is the new, bye square sized posts and black borders inside reels.

5. Use 3 Hashtags per post

Instagram is more likely to favour your video with less than 5 hashtags and less likely to see you as a spam account! Instead use more descriptive words in the caption as an SEO method.

6. Post 6 stories per day

Evenly spread out stories are recommended, 2 in the AM, 2 mid-day and 2 in the evening is the hot spot.

If you feel like you need some more personalised advice for your feed, book in one of Free Feed Audits today!

Sending you lots of love,


And the girls x


Influencer Marketing or UGC


3 Things you can do Today to Boost your Video, Using the Same Content 👀