Micro Influencers Breakdown - Are They Right For My Business?

Have you ever wondered what are micro influencers and are they right for my business? Well we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know!

Micro Influencers are your Influencers with around 10k - 50k following. Here’s what is great about them:

  1. Great creators can have a really high engagement rate, their audience will be trustworthy with a mix of OG’s & newly built audiences.

  2. Micro-influencers are most likely in the industry for over 3 - 5 years as part-timers or full timers, meaning they will absolutely know what they’re doing when it comes to content creation!

  3. Budgets can vary between £100 - £2,000+ p/post (depends on each creator) meaning you can budget and find a way to work with affordable influencers of all sizes.

  4. They’re doing great because they know their niche, they know who is listening and who they are talking to. This can be fabulous for you to connect with your dream industry enthusiasts!

Here’s what you should look out for:

  • Due to popularity, make sure you do your stalking and go through their posts, highlights and check that your competitors haven’t been mentioned recently!

  • High engagement / following does not always equal to tons of sales, make sure you check the person’s location & request some stats.

  • Micro-influencers do get quite a few emails a day, they will appreciate you getting to the point with your email, make sure you provide a clear brief and take this collaboration seriously and professionally (NO DM’s unless already emailed!)

  • They will be focusing on paid content creation, make sure you provide a clear brief and do negotiate to find the best fee that works on both sides. E.g ask for a package 1 x reel, 2 x posts, 3 x stories.

We hope this helps you make better decisions when you next work with Influencers!

Do you need more help with your influencer marketing? Book a Free 15 mins call with us! ✨

Lots of love,

Skai & team x



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