3 Steps to Create your Very First Facebook Ad

We’ve put together our 3 steps to creating your very first Facebook Ad:

1. The Creative

Facebook/TikTok/IG/Pinterest ads are all about testing! You have to test different formats from story to video and carousels to see what your audience is engaging with the most. For your first ad, go back to your most-performing posts and go to boost these! Your chances of these doing well are already high with proof from your organic audience. Also think, does this post represent me/the business well? Do I need to amend the caption? Do I have a strong CTA?

2. The Audience

Now it’s time to set your audience! This is the time we’re back to the business basics and asking ourselves who is your ideal customer, where does he/she shop, what’s the location, what do they search online and what age are they? Be specific and better to be niche in your locations than try go into the saturated market. When I first began doing ads I tested a lot and one thing I learned for sure is that picking more than 3 countries on a lower budget just doesn’t perform as well as 1 country with a strong niched audience.

3. The Budget

Investing in ads can be tricky because you’re diving into this without any guarantee. How much do I spend? Well, Facebook ads experts recommend to invest 10-15% of your revenue towards Facebook advertising. This allows flexibility and suits every business budgets. Once you start to earn from Facebook ads you can up your budget to 20-25% of your revenue. If you’re starting out, Facebook ads experts suggest testing a minimum of £3-£5 per day for a minimum of 7-10 days intervals and no less than 3 days as it takes 2 days for an ad to kick off.

Why not book in a free 15 minute feed audit with us where we can answer any questions you have.

Lots of love,

Skai & the girls x



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