IG Updates - Feed Options Explained ✨

As well as all the Oscars 2022 amazing outfits, the women and some memes going around…the power of creators! Let’s get into the next big thing online, the 3 NEW IG FEEDS!

To give people more control over what we see, here comes the big 3:

🤍 1: Home Feeds

  • The home feed will be the most familiar as to what IG looks like today. It is algorithm based and will show you content depending on how much IG thinks you’ll be interested in it. So if you’re loving puppies 24/7 and not viewing anything else, that will explain your suggested feed.

🤍 2: Favourites Feed

  • Never miss a post from your favourite accounts!

    You can now add your 50 favourite people by clicking on the person’s page —> ‘following’ —> ‘add to ‘favourites’. You will see these accounts in a chronological order.

    This a great CTA to add into your captions and stories’ plans! Ask your audience to make sure they add you to their favourites so they never miss a post or your latest products.

🤍 3: Following Feed

  • This is the throwback Instagram we all remember! All the people you follow will come up in a chronological order. With this feed, timings will be super important to post at the time your ideal audience is most active.

    To quickly recap, this is absolutely bringing in changes into how users will see your posts… meaning:

    • more than ever posting consistently is key

    • post at the time your audience is most active

    • sticking to a niche so people add you to their favourites

What are your thoughts on this update? Let us know on our IG!

Do you need more help with your instagram marketing? Book a 1 hour consultation call with us! ✨

Lots of love,

Skai & team x





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