Your Guide To Adding Instagram Call To Actions ✨

CTA’s are the best way to invite your followers to engage with your content! Here are 3 types of CTA’s you can start using TODAY!

Direct to website:

  • CTA’s are a great way to promote your business in a natural way at the end of your posts/stories! Simply direct your audience to the item you were talking about, the team, or the latest collection. Pro-Tip: IG link stickers are now available to EVERYONE, so use them on your stories and highlights too!

Post saves & longevity:

  • SAVES are still important and you should be checking these insights as it indicates you're creating valuable content that your audience wants to refer back to. Use CTA's like 'Save this for later' to your advantage as the Instagram algorithm views 'saveable' content positively 🥰

Expand your audience:

  • CTA’s such as such as "share this post with a friend who may find it helpful!" or "tag a friend who would love this!" are great for ‘directing new eyes’ to your posts. When done correctly it can be amazing brand exposure and increase in engagement!

Hope that inspires you for some CTA’s this upcoming week!

Lacking post ideas? We got you! Grab our Social Media Content Calendar out NOW ✨

Lots of love,

Skai & team x



Your 2022 TikTok Strategy!


Your Guide To Instagram Stories ✨