Instagram Stories: Your 2022 Strategy

A little while ago we posted our Instagram Stories Strategy. We find it works so well, we’re posting about it again here! Read on for more details 🌙

✨ Less is More

The IG algorithm is forever changing…. If you’re as eagle-eyed as us, you’ve already noticed that Instagram is favouring less stories now. Pro tip: Stick to 3-5 stories, with at least 1 day off in the week!

✨ Consistent Branding
Your IG feed, website, stories and brand should all have the same colour scheme & fonts. This will help people recognise you from your unique style and build brand awareness!

✨ Interaction & Engagement
Promotion is important but it’s also important to get the audience engaging with your stories. Use IG’s features such as polls, Q box, emoji reactions. Do your research and create FUN stories based on quizzes, this or thats and memes your audience will relate to.

✨ Personality
If you’re someone who’s a bit shy, stories are a great way to interact and reveal the face behind your brand. You can answer those questions yourself or do a behind-the-scenes or day in my life on your stories. This will give people some insight into who you are and build a real connection.

✨ CTA’s (Call to Actions)

Call to actions are SO important! Lead your audience to something whether its your website, a relevant article, your feed post or reel, etc. This is also a great way to end a series of stories with a promotion!

How many out of the 5 you do already? What’s your go-to that works well? Let us know, we love to hear from you! 😍

We offer free 15 minute calls where we audit your feed. Book your call here!

Lots of love,

Skai & the girls x



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