5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Start a TikTok Account in 2023

Today, I’d love to hop on the fresh topic in the offic: which account is ready for TikTok, which one is not and why?

1. You don’t have a ‘face of the brand’

Content creation is going to be key in 2023, whether that’s done by you, your team or external support. If you are not comfortable with showing up for your business’ audience, you have to find someone who will be. This can be a family member, a person from your team or someone you hire. 

2. You don’t have the time to post & engage

If you’re already overwhelmed with other social media platforms and you simply do not have the time to dedicate to the platform, there is no point in coming in and posting once a week. If you want to take your growth on TikTok success seriously, you are going to need to post consistently and stay alert, engaging with your audience, especially in the very beginning while setting up your page. 

3. You are not making video content

Short-form and long-form video content is on the rise in 2023. YouTube is making a come-back with niche content, Instagram continues to push Reels and TikTok continues to support video as the primary type of content on the app. If you’ve not made your first Reel on Instagram, chances are you will be super overwhelmed with the amount of video you’ll need to be comfortable with making.

4. You haven’t got a social media strategy

To begin your journey on any of the social media platforms, you should be asking yourself why? Why do I want to be on this particular social media app? If your answer is just to ‘get on to the next trend’ then you won’t likely stick around for long. You need to make sure you set out your goals, your niche, your strategy, your audience and how you are going to stick to it every day and for the rest of the year. Then plan how this will be realistic and possible to achieve.

5. You just want to sell & not build a community

If you have no interest in creating a community and a brand, then TikTok is just not the app for you. Plenty of businesses operate on other platforms like Etsy and Amazon selling every day without a worry about sharing their BTS! But, in 2023 bringing in your personality of you and the brand/feed, if you do wish to spread the word about your values, what you represent and continue building this: you will need to connect with people via trends, in the comments and make content that isn’t always about ‘selling’.

If you’re thinking GREAT, I can’t be on TikTok then. Don’t worry, I can help you. With the rise of requests last year, we are now going to be offering:

  • Content Creation by us or UGC creators

  • TikTok management 

Message us first to secure your space, let’s chat, there will be very limited amount of spaces available for these. 

Lots of love,


& the girls x


The Secret Sauce that Makes Reels & TikToks go Viral


3 Strategy Points to Consider in 2023 for IG and TikTok