The Secret Sauce that Makes Reels & TikToks go Viral

Today, I’d love to analyse the topic of ‘going viral’. How do you make a video go viral? I want to also add a HUGE disclaimer that going viral shouldn’t be your one and only goal for your profile, however, it should be on your radar within your social media strategy. 

VIRAL - /ˈvʌɪrəl/ noun: an image, video, piece of information, etc. that is circulated rapidly and widely on the internet.

1. The Title

This is not the time to title your video with the obvious. E.g you’re a jewellery creator/business and title the video ‘This is a new product x’, instead ask yourself ‘what are the struggles/interest of my target audience’ and answer it! E.g. ‘POV: you’ve finally found the perfect waterproof silver necklace to wear to the gym’. This answers a problem of your audience and has more of a potential of being engaged with by a wider audience. Even better, If you’re doing a talking video, use this title + sentence as a great hook to catch your audience.

2. The Edit

The quality, lighting, transitions of the video itself has to be engaging. It’s so simple but please make sure you clean your lens before shooting. Ideally have the latest smart phone to ensure your quality is never compromised. Then think am I using fun transitions and showcasing content in different ways? The biggest lesson from 2022 is using the same ‘message’ in different ways, repeated. Another great tip is going back on your ‘viral’ video and repurposing them again or re-making them!

3. The Length

Make videos under 7 seconds👋. ‘Engagement’ on videos is measured on the amount of time your audience spends on your post. If your video is 4 seconds… you are very likely going to get 1 person to watch it 2-3 times as they’re reading your caption etc. That doesn’t mean you cannot go viral with long-form videos, you 100% can and TikTok is on the rise with these. But it is much harder to do so as a new creator while building up your audience. 

Again, going viral isn’t the only goal - but it sure helps to spread your message out there and allows new people to come and find more content just like it.

Lots of love,


& the girls x


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