IG Updates - Bye Square Posts? ✨

We all know Instagram has been a pain lately with lots of changes, updates and glitches. And there’s been 2 updates, both currently being tested but ofc, we want you to be the first to know them!

🤍 Bye Square Posts, Hello 9:16

  • Instagram is currently testing a new layout for all posts to match a full screen, at 9:16. This is the same size as Reels, meaning that square posts will now automatically have a blurred background behind it. As we can see Instagram is encouraging us to keep up with the video content and merging both.

  • But don’t worry - we’ve been doing so already when shooting our Reels and Stories! Maybe this means one size for all social platforms…? Tip: Start keeping 9:16 size in mind when shooting moving forwards.

🤍 Top 3 Stories Focus

  • You might’ve seen this on some of your accounts, but Instagram will now only favour your first 3 stories! The rest will have a ‘view more’ button to click on, if you choose to not click on it, another persons stories will appear. Meaning: to make sure someone stays you got to grab their attention fast! Tip: This may affect your 4th+ stories especially if you usually add your CTA’s later. Start getting to the point sooner and keep your audience entertained from Story 1! Start thinking how can you bring value in no more than 3-5 stories per day?

That’s the latest update so far, Instagram, will you ever stop? :’D What are your thoughts on this update? Let us know on our IG!

With love,

Skai & the girls x



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