Why you Shouldn’t want to Make Everyone Happy - Personal Letter

I wanted to share something very personal with you today. In 2020, Skai Social were one of the lucky few businesses to grow the most compared to the first 2 years in business. This was my most exciting, yet scary, thing that could ever happen to me! I was thrilled! My dream has come true.

I had to hire a designer first, then, a Social Media Assistant, then two Social Media Managers, learn to trust other people, trial, test and error. All while trying to keep up with new clients, existing clients needs and continue with building a brand. 

Somewhere in 2022 I didn’t even realise how 2 years went by and all I’ve done was work, work, work. I remember a time I would go to have a ‘bath’ after work, to continue posting or working while my partner thought I’m enjoying my bath. I had completely forgotten to take good care of my needs, I stopped working out. I had 0 boundaries because I wanted to help everyone. I wanted all of us to be happy.

However, I had to learn the hard way that you cannot, and you should not want to make everyone happy.

I learned that sometimes you have to make mistakes, let someone ‘mess up’ and learn from their mistakes and grow. I had to learn to be confident yet caring, productive and business-driven but also be a good girlfriend, friend, daughter and sister all at the same time.

In 2022 I had to go into an emergency hospital because I was having a sudden miscarriage which was…heart-breaking. And you know what the worst thing was? While I was physically bleeding with a loss, I had terrible anxiety over how I’m going to tell my clients I cannot work tomorrow because I had to stay in the hospital… This is when I knew my life has to change.

I had a huge life-changing event that made me wake up and remember why I began, that my passion is to help others through our services but mostly bring balance into our clients and our own lives too. This is why I built this business, to work smarter together and enjoy: life.

I wanted to send you a personal message to just remind you that taking time out is a crucial part of working well, you have to put yourself first. Your health is important and you should always thrive in finding the balance between work and life that works for you.

To all my hard-working girls, remember that ‘a field that has rested gives bountiful crops.’

Now in 2023, I feel so grateful to say I have found a much better, beautiful balance within work and my personal life, I take 1-2 hour lunch breaks, I do yoga, I have the best team and I allow myself to rest. On that note, I went away for 2 weeks to our own Wellness Retreat. Woo! 

Sending you lots of love,


& the girls x


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